District Governor

Nigel joined the Rotary Club of Hong Kong North in 2004 with classification of finance. He was Club president in 2012-13, DAG in 2013-14, DS in 2016-17, District Trainer in 2019/20, Assistant Governor in 2020/21.
He obtained a degree in Accounting and Finance at University of Kent, UK.
District 3450
20th February 1931, the day Rotary first set foot on our home soil. The first Rotary Club, namely the Rotary Club of Hong Kong, was established under Charter President Sir William Woodward Hornell, who was also the vice-chancellor of the University of Hong Kong at that time.
After operating for 10 years, it was suspended during the Pacific War, but revived in 1946. Later on, the Rotary Club of Hong Kong sponsored the Rotary Club of Macau in 1947 and the Rotary Club of Kowloon in 1948. Back then, they were part of District 96, and subsequently, changed to District 57 in 1950. However, our district status was removed in 1951 under the new regime in China.
Efforts to revive Rotary and setting up new clubs came with a result on 1st July 1960, with 17 Rotary Clubs, 764 Rotarians from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan were reinstated as District 345.
In 1991, District 345 was renamed to District 3450 with 32 clubs from Hong Kong and Macao. Nine years later, new clubs in Mongolia were underway, and District 3450 then included members from Hong Kong, Macao and Mongolia.
Ninety three years after the first Rotary Club in Hong Kong in 1931, District 3450 now has 84 clubs in Hong Kong, 8 clubs in Macao and 21 clubs in Mongolia. Over 2,800 Rotarians serve the world.

What is Rotary
Rotary was founded on 23 February 1905 by a Chicago attorney, Mr. Paul P. Harris, as the world's first service organization.
As a 1.2 million-member organization, Rotary united business and professional leaders from all continents, cultures, and occupations to provide humanitarian services and help build goodwill and peace, while encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations.
Rotary brings together great minds from nearly all over the world. Our members are leaders in their fields and communities. This diverse perspective helps us to see problems differently—and help us solve them in communities throughout the world.
Through Rotary, our members find many ways to meet, exchange ideas, and make lifelong friendships, including:
- Weekly club meetings
- Service projects
- Fellowship events
- Annual celebratory events, such as District Conference, International Convention, etc.
- Interest-based affinity groups
Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, from over 35,000 Rotary Clubs in more than 200 countries, Rotary’s people of action have always been so dedicated and persistent in providing service to those in need, promoting integrity, and cultivating goodwill and peace throughout the world. We certainly covered a lot of grounds with our projects regarding the quality of life on this planet. We concentrate our efforts in 7 areas of focus:
- Promoting peace
- Fighting disease and health problem
- Maternal and child health care
- Education
- Local community and economy development
- Water sanitation and hygiene
- Protect the environment
When you give to Rotary, you support the work we do in your community and around the world.
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1.2 million passionate individuals worldwide are waiting for you.
Together we lead change in our own backyards and across the world.
Rotary Foundation
Rotary International (“RI”) is an international service organization where professional, businessmen and community leaders get together to serve to change lives through implementation of humanitarian service projects in local and oversea communities. The Rotary Foundation (“TRF”) is the charitable arm of RI. TRF possesses the global network of Rotarians who invest their time, money and expertise in TRF works, which include humanitarian projects, eradication of Polio (RI’s signature project) and promoting peace.
The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world.
Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.
With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world.
Rotary International District 3450 is a great supporter for TRF with yearly contributions of over US1M. While we serve in countless ways, we’ve focused our efforts in Seven Key Areas to maximize our impact:

Promoting Peace

Fighting Disease and Health Problem

Maternal and Child Health Care


Local Community and Economy Development

Water Sanitation and Hygiene